

Views : 864
Update time : 2016-11-01 11:26:06
Accessories Amount
Shelf 3 pieces
Aluminum Posts 8 pieces
Casters 4 pieces
Handles 2 pieces

Recommended Tool For Assembling The Utility Cart
  1. Rubber/plastic hammer.
  2. Newspaper at least 3/4 thick or 1/4 thick book, or a wooden board as padding.
Before Assembling The Utility Cart
●Identify the shelf for top, middle and bottom shelf.
Lining up the length with the taller border at the same side prior to assembling it.
Assemble from bottom to top, fixing the handles last.
Lay padding when hammering the shelf, support or handle to ensure easy assembling.
How To Assemble The Utility Cart
Step1: Insert the aluminum post into the corner of the shelf.
Step2: Hammer in the aluminum post into the corners of the shelf in a circular movement.(Do not hammer in one post at a time.)
Step3: Repeat steps1 and 2 until all 3 shelves are assembled.
Step4: Turn over the cart, insert casters into the corners of the shelf located underneath the bottom shelf. Hammer the wheels in.
Step5: Turn over the cart, assemble handles to the shelf.